

| 小龍0




A:Good evening, my distinguished judges, my dear teachers and fellow students. Welcome to the final competition of 2015 interpretation contest. I am the hostess. B:I am

A:At the very beginning of today’ contest, please allow me to introduce our honorable judges and guests. They are vice president ***, our teacher *******


A:Ladies and gentlemen, there are two parts of today’s competition. The first part is gist interpretation and the second part is dialog

2、***2011 teaching class3 3、***2008teaching class 4 4、***2009translation class 5、***2010teaching class2 6、***2010teaching class1 7、***2010business class 8、***2010teaching class1 9、***2011teaching class1 10、***2011business class

A:What a fantastic performance! I really feel so

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